
We understand the interaction of economic efficiency, environmental protection and social commitment as sustainability. Sustainability is the basis of our value-added chain and relates to all areas of the company. Saarpor as an independent family business of third generation regards sustainability as an entrepreneurial attitude.
"The protection of valuable resources, and the reduction of CO2 emissions are significant environmental concerns of our time.
The material polystyrene as a packaging material also contributes in different ways to dealing gently with the environment. "
Certificate resources saved 2019
Since our products are HBCD-free, they can be disposed of using the waste code 17 06 04.

Saarpor protects the oceans
What is the “Zero Pellet Loss” initiative?
The background to this initiative is the global pollution of the oceans with plastic and other waste. “Only a very small portion of marine waste are pellets. Most of it are used objects such as fishing nets, packaging waste or cigarette filters, which are carelessly disposed in the environment,” comments Dr. Isabell Schmidt, Advisor for the Environment and Sustainable Development at the German Association for Plastics Packaging and Films (IK). “Nevertheless, it is important for the plastics processing industry to send out a signal and do everything they can within their direct range of influence.”
The IK “Zero Pellet Loss” initiative is part of the plastic industry’s global commitment to “Zero Pellet” and “Operation Clean Sweep®”. The IK already signed a global declaration of the plastics industry in 2011 in which this sector of industry committed to fight the global marine litter problem.
Certificate "Zero Pellet Loss"